The Intersectionality Between LGBTQ+ Culture and Clinical Narcissism

I suspect that many, if not most, of my American readers are familiar with the culture wars going on in America. These tend to be toxic exchanges, and discussions over LGBTQ+ topic are no exception. The exceptional feature of these dialogues is that there seems to be no room for civil disagreement a.k.a. “agree to disagree.” Typically, those who support LGBTQ+ positions will cast any disagreement as “hate” and defines love in  ways that require unconditional affirmation. Such an approach to love should be spotted as toxic right off the bat. What should we think of a parent who shouts to their child “you hate me” every time there is a relationship conflict or the guy who tells his girlfriend “you don’t love me” whenever she refuses sex? Most of us would rightly call such relationships unhealthy. If it is unhealthy here, then it is also unhealthy approach for the LGBTQ+ community to relate to those outside that community. The demand for unconditional affirmation, it turns out, is a key feature in Narcissistic Personality Disorder

My thesis is the LGBTRQ+ culture and its constructs are  systemically narcissistic in terms of the description of narcissistic personality disorder found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). I looked up the DSM-5 diagnostic for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in  the  MSD Manual Entry. Before I go into the proofs of my thesis I want to clarify what this article is NOT about. This article is NOT intended to diagnose any individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder for two reasons:

  1. I do not approach this as a psychological professional, and my counseling experience is more pastoral than clinical, and
  2. I am approaching this using the DSM-5 as a “for information purposes only” diagnostic tool of cultural phenomena and cultural constructs

If anyone reading this has concerns that they might be suffering from  Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I strongly urge them to consult the appropriate professionals for diagnosis and a plan of treatment.

I want to also clarify that this article is not intended to prove that homosexuality/ bisexuality/ transgenderism is a mental illness. While emerging research suggests that   members of those groups are at heightened risk of  Dark Triad personality traits that include Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the focus here is cultural systems and ideas. The majority of people who hold to LGBTQ+ political ideology or to identity politics are heterosexuals.

With that in mind, let’s see how the correct description of LGBTQ+ politics and related political movements  compares to the DSM-5 description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The MSD Manual Entry begins its introduction of the DSM-5 criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder like this:

“Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) criteria

For a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (1), patients must haveA persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.This pattern is shown by the presence of 5 of the following:…”


There are ten criteria in the DSM-5 for diagnosing Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In my view, six of these are necessarily true of those who affirms the ideas of the LGBTQ+ political movement, and as such, they are at a minimum enabling Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The full list is available at the MSD Manual Entry. Below I have listed the DSM-5 criteria in quotation marks in a numbered list with my comments below the quotation. According to the DSM-5, if at least 5 (50% of ten) apply, then it calls for a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


  1. A need to be unconditionally admired.

    The need to be unconditionally admired is manifest in the demand that everyone unconditionally affirm everything LGBTQ+ or be marked for cancellation by labels such as hater or bigot.

    No Room For the Dissent From the Dissent
    153 Prominent Liberals Sign Letter Warning Against ‘Cancel Culture.’ Several Subsequently Get Cancelled.
    A Letter on Justice and Open Debate.

  2. A sense of entitlement.”

    They are not proffering these as opinions in a gentlemen’s disagreement. Much time and energy is spent lobbying governments and corporation to formulate  laws. policies, and procedures to compel people to give them the affirmation they demand – procedures that would afford them specific legal rights in the corporate or governmental context.
    Biden’s Title IX law expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students is dealt another setback.
    Pronouns, free speech, and the First Amendment.
    United States v. Varner | Harvard Law Review.
    Tolerance has a fatal flaw. This is the solution. This piece advocates for unconditional affirmation. There is no room for agree to disagree in this formula. You either azffirm or your are the oppressor

    “I’m no longer content just being tolerated. I want more for black Americans, for fellow Americans of color and for my country. In order to stand up for this nation and its potential, I’m rejecting tolerance, the notion that the people who have historically had and abused their power and privilege should feel like they are benevolently putting up with people who have just as much claim to this country and its true ideals. I want to be included, why not even welcomed? ”

    The unintended consequences of tolerance: The experience and repercussions of being tolerated for minority group members. This research suggests that tolerance as forbearance has unintended consequences that inhibit full functioning of the tolerated, which some would use ( and have used) to argue for unconditional affirmation. The researchers conclude, however, that diversity requires tolerance as forbearance and freedom  to disagree – suggesting that people keep this in mind as they interact with each other.

    Repressive Tolerance (full text).  Herbert Marcuse’s classic work redefining tolerance. He argues that true tolerance requires not tolerating “regressive views.” It is this work that was the basis of much of the Left regarding all disagreement as hate, and weaponizing words like bigot, racist, and misogynist and attaching them to everyone who disagrees with them. Feminism, LGBTQ movement philosphy, and Critical Race Theory all have this disgusting feature.

  3. A lack of empathy.”

    We see this lack of envy particularly strong in transgender issues. The LGBTQ+ lobby shows no empathy for women who feel uncomfortable using restrooms with biological males or to women who find that this triggers anxiety due to a past history of sexual victimization by predatory males. Indeed, the LGBTQ+ lobby demands that the vast majority of the population who is cisgendered walk back the expectations of their gender identity to give absolute and unconditional accommodation to those who hold transgendered gender identity under pain of cancellation. If you are a woman who has been triggered by a past history of sexual victimization, they think that’s your problem. If you are the best woman in the best woman in the world, but are angry that you lost to a biological male, they think that’s your problem. Feminism now supports the Patriarchy.

  4. Envy of others and a belief that others envy them.”

    The entire political and legal methodology for all of this is to weaponize victim status, typically via anti-discrimination laws and policies. This architecture of envy begins with the Frankfurt School, which sought to apply Marxian analysis to cultural issues.  The Marxist dialectic argued that history was a dialectic struggle of the oppressed(Proletariat) vs the oppressors  (bourgeoisie) in which the “oppressor class” would be overthrown. Marx originally applied this only to economics and saw only violent revolution. The Frankfurt School  wanted to expand Marx’s dialectic to broader cultural issues and sought social action and “lawfare” as the means to overthrow the existing civilization. The application of this cultural dialectic involves either groups positioning themselves as victims or others as oppressors.  This led to the establishment of critical theory which gave rise to both Radical Feminism and the LBGTQ movement.  This encourages LGBTQ+ to see themselves as victims and envy other people. The application of intersectional analysis encourages LGBTQ+  people to position themselves as the most oppressed so that they can acquire the greatest privilege in any affirmative action policy,

    On Socialist Envy.

    The Politics of Envy.

    Communism, Envy, and the Desire to Promote Toxic Equality.

    Tolerance has a fatal flaw. This is the solution. This piece is dripping with envy

    “I’m no longer content just being tolerated. I want more for black Americans, for fellow Americans of color and for my country. In order to stand up for this nation and its potential, I’m rejecting tolerance, the notion that the people who have historically had and abused their power and privilege should feel like they are benevolently putting up with people who have just as much claim to this country and its true ideals. I want to be included, why not even welcomed? “

  5. Arrogance and haughtiness.”

    They invoke PRIDE as a crucial part of their branding, and it is not a healthy pride (as follows from the above information) but one which  tolerates no dissent, refusal to give assent, or accommodation for everyone else. Those who object to pride due to sincere religious convictions against the sin of pride are marked for cancellation.

  6. Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals.”

    The subjectivist philosophical  space in which LGBTQ+ inhabits makes any non-exploitive sexuality impossible. If gender and love are nothing more than social constructs that are objectively un-groundable and un-groundable in anything outside of a subjectively defined group identity, then it is impossible to form nay relationships that are not exploitive. Everything is reduced to lust, and lust seeks to exploit for its own fleshly satisfaction. While this is potentially a problem in all sexual relationship as sexual desire is present in every relationship, heterosexual marriage built on a foundation of objective gender complementarity  provides a framework that allows them to transcend selfish sexual desires and build something that is more than simply the intersection of  selfish desires. The transcendent nature of marriage is why same-sex couples have desired that the state redefine it to make room for them, but the philosophical framework that underlies the LGBTQ+ movement makes such a relationship impossible. The creation of non-exploitive sexual relationships is impossible without a foundation of an objective gender complementarity, and heterosexual couples are the only ones who can access this. Both same-sex couples and heterosexual couples who embrace the subjectivist, egalitarian sexual ethics that ignore objective reality will remain confined to the exploitive sexual space.
    Feminist Perspectives on Sex and Gender.
    12 Ways to Understand Gender as a Social Construct.
    Scientific research shows gender is not just a social construct.


If the LGBTQ+ movement were an individual, they would be diagnosed as suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder using the criteria of the DSM-5. While such diagnoses are not typically leveled against systems and social movements, Social movements toxic to mental health exists because mentally ill individuals can export their psychopathy in social movement they create and in the social spaces they control. The LGBTQ+ movement is subverting society towards mental illness in a way similar to what an individual narcissist does with his or her family. Everyone takes a mental health hit if those in  power are deranged by mental health problems. It is possible for entire nations to become mentally dysfunctional just like what happens with families. The conceptions of love promoted by  LGBTQ+ movement and related movements such as identity politics and Critical Race Theory are, in fact, promoting narcissism. This will – is – creating millions of narcissists and millions more who are psychologically broken as victims of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. We have a moral duty to oppose this promotion of mental illness. The most loving thing to do is to call out a problem – in this case expose the conception of love  promoted in the LGBTQ+ movement as a diabolical, Satanic counterfeit.

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