01 – Introduction to Messianic Systematic Theology | The Olive Tree – Towards a Messianic Christian Systematic Theology

Chapter 1 of The Olive Tree – Towards a Messianic Christian Systematic Theology.   What is Messianic Theology. By Messianic Theology, I am referring to something greater than particular teaching on Jesus as the Messiah, though such teaching is central to it. This article seek to discuss Messianic Theology not as a set of particular … Read more

This post appeared on the Old DallasCarter.net site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

America is Drunk

Originally posted on November 21, 2008. While Obama was not as successful as the article predicted, he did move things significantly in  the direction predicted by this article.   The 2008 election cycle has provided conclusive proof that God’s Judgment has fallen on America. First I shall show that God makes individuals nations in a … Read more

This post appeared on the Old DallasCarter.net site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Schemes of the Last Generation

Originally posted on May 29, 2007   People are constantly cooking up schemes to harm other people. Very few really care about the truth or justice in the last Generation. People used to care about being morally or logically consistent but now most people figure that they can use propaganda or spin to twist people’s … Read more

This post appeared on the Old DallasCarter.net site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

How Deconstruction Distorts Words

Originally Posted November 11, 2006   Since ancient times educated people have sought to twist the meaning of words and language. There has arisen recently, however, a very mysterious and systematic method of twisting language. It is called deconstruction. The word ‘Deconstruction‘ was coined by Jacques Derrida in the 1960’s for his method of twisting … Read more

America’s Providential Moment

Several weeks before the election I had a series of dreams. I do not remember anything from  those dreams other than the word “Duquesne.” I thought it to be significant so I looked up historical intersections involving that word. The first intersection of that word in the history of America is in the context of … Read more

What is Halloween?

What is Halloween? Is it night of harmless fun and gags that many believe. There are two ways to answer this. One is to look at the ideas behind the symbolism, and the second is to trace the historical progression of the symbols, including the chain of custody and evolution of the symbols themselves. This … Read more

Coming to America: Speech Codes

I believe the next big push that will happen in the near future will be an attempt to implement speech codes in America. America is the last haven for free speech in the so-called free world. In this short-form article I will present the reasons why I believe this is immanent, showing first the current … Read more

Freemasonry Exposed

 When I wrote Mystery Babylon Rising I noted both the common Hermetic stream and operational connections that would form the chain of custody from Babel to the present. At times these occult networks could operate in  the open. There were other times that they operated very secretly because it was inconvenient to operate openly. As … Read more

This post appeared on the Old DallasCarter.net site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

Planned Parenthood Coverup of Child Rape

Originally Posted January 21, 2007 ChildPredators.com1 reports the following “The dirty little secret is that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation know they will sell more abortions, more birth control products and more treatments for sexually transmitted diseases when they turn a blind eye to child rape. Men involved with minors need to conceal … Read more

This post appeared on the Old DallasCarter.net site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Case Against Abortion

Originally Posted July 13,2007 Abortion is certainly one of the greatest evils of our time. It should be obvious to any informed and conscientious person that abortion is murder. However there is much propaganda put out by the left. The latest craze is to use deconstruction to twist the scripture into supporting abortion. Both the … Read more