Coming to America: Speech Codes

I believe the next big push that will happen in the near future will be an attempt to implement speech codes in America. America is the last haven for free speech in the so-called free world. In this short-form article I will present the reasons why I believe this is immanent, showing first the current … Read more

Freemasonry Exposed

 When I wrote Mystery Babylon Rising I noted both the common Hermetic stream and operational connections that would form the chain of custody from Babel to the present. At times these occult networks could operate in  the open. There were other times that they operated very secretly because it was inconvenient to operate openly. As … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

Planned Parenthood Coverup of Child Rape

Originally Posted January 21, 2007 ChildPredators.com1 reports the following “The dirty little secret is that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation know they will sell more abortions, more birth control products and more treatments for sexually transmitted diseases when they turn a blind eye to child rape. Men involved with minors need to conceal … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Case Against Abortion

Originally Posted July 13,2007 Abortion is certainly one of the greatest evils of our time. It should be obvious to any informed and conscientious person that abortion is murder. However there is much propaganda put out by the left. The latest craze is to use deconstruction to twist the scripture into supporting abortion. Both the … Read more

Examples of the Neo-Marxist Dialectic

<<Prev Examples of the Neo-Marxist Conversational Dialectic. There are, unfortunately, many, many examples of Neo-Marxist Dialectic in the Church. I have selected several leaders whose speech or writing can be examined for evidence of the Neo-Marxist Dialectic. By studying these, the reader can learn to spot Neo-Marxist Dialectic in action – and thereby more quickly … Read more

The Neo-Marxist Dialectic

One thing that keep popping up in this discussions of Critical Theory(CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(DEI), and other issues of “social justice” in Evangelical Circles is that people often do not understand the methodology of CRT, and therefore fail to see the extent that this agenda has indeed infiltrated Evangelicalism. Many leaders of the Evangelical … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

Principles of Judgment

Originally posted July 7, 2007 There are principles that God uses in determining how judgment is rendered. By understanding these principles. We can understand what God is doing in the nations. The following list of criteria is not intended to be exhaustive, nor could it be. God’s was are above our ways and that means … Read more

The Providential Preservation of President Trump

This post is an analysis of footage of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, based on published footage of the assassination attempt. In the original video, Trump turned his head at the 8 sec mark. In this video, I slowed the original video down to play at 0.25x and analyzed how Trump turned … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Establishment of a Free Nation

Originally posted July 4,2006 The Establishment of a Free Nation How did the founders create a free society. They set out to create a secular state embedded in a Christian society and people entered into a social contract with America and one of several states that were joined to America.  The Dangers of a Religious … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Foundation of Liberty

Originally posted July 4,2006 What is the foundation of our liberties? Where do our rights come from?There are only two classes of answers. one is that rights evolved from nature through various social and political evolution. Put it another way:Do rights come from God or from society or the state? There are several problems with … Read more