Deconstructing Fact Checks, Entry#1

This will be the first of a series I will be doing debunking the so-called fact-check, which is nothing more than a tool for censorship of the Big Tech Cartel. I  recently came across this fact check when I was surfing Facebook. The OP was masked by a splash screen saying “False Information – see why. ” Once I clicked the link to view the post, I saw  its content with the Face check attached at the bottom

The Fact-check came with the following link: Fact Check: ‘The Great Reset’ Is NOT A Secret Plan Masterminded By Global Elites To Limit Freedoms And Push Radical Policies. When I went to the Fact-check page, they presented the following argument:

  1. ‘The Great Reset’ Is NOT A Secret Plan Masterminded By Global Elites To Limit Freedoms And Push Radical Policies”
  2. “According to the WEF, the Great Reset agenda has three main components…”


The answer to the first involves exposing a misunderstanding of the word secret when applied to conspiracies of ruling elites. No one is arguing that the existence of such entities is a secret, but that these elite entities use non-transparent means of governance. This opaque governance begins with entities that are not officially part of the government setting agendas for governments. These entities typically will hold meeting that are private or otherwise inaccessible to the pubic, with no opportunity for public input on proposals that are discussed exclusively among political and corporate elites. This process end with proposals pushed out to government and corporations to implement, with the founding elite entity shielded from any accountability to the public for its actions.

What are the three components of the WEF’s the Great Reset. The components all involve significant restrictions on private property rights.

    1. “The first is steering markets toward fairer outcomes.”
      This requires a mechanism by players with market power to change the market. At a minimum it would involve elite player who could put market pressure to compel compliance by the rest of us. One way this could happen is for investment firms like Black Rock to buy up large shares of the entire market and then dictate the course of entire markets and drive dissidents out of the market. It could also involves government regulations so onerous that only the elite player can comply, forcing everyone underneath the covering umbrella of the elite players.
    2. “The second is ensuring investments are helping to advance shared goals, such as sustainability,”
      This involves investment firms like Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard buying everything up so that they can control entire markets, even entire economies.
    3. “and the third component is harnessing technology in support of the public good.”
      This requires a big tech cartel, which we already have. Harnessing it to support the public good requires that an elite decide what that good is. That technology can be harnessed in three ways. First, it can be used to shut down dissenting views which oppose the agenda. This “fact-check” is one of those tools. Second, it can be harnessed to put a larger share of life under the technological umbrella so that more activity can be controlled. Imagine a world where all of your appliances are connected and your entire life is lived in some kind of augmented reality “metaverse.” The Tech Cartel could block you from working, shopping, going to church, and through your connected appliances could control or deny you access to electricity, water, internet, even the food in your refrigerator for nothing more than posting something they do not like. Finally, through the advance of government issued digital legal tender aka “programmable money,” the government could exercise granular control over everyone’s money deciding what goods or services can be purchased, issue restrictions of even freezing accounts of individuals and groups the government does not like

As you can see, with just a wee bit of analysis it is obvious that the fact-check effectively concedes the very point it denies. The three fold agenda of the Great Reset, based on the talking points of its promoters, will significant reduce individual freedom.

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