This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

Planned Parenthood Coverup of Child Rape

Originally Posted January 21, 2007

ChildPredators.com1 reports the following

The dirty little secret is that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation know they will sell more abortions, more birth control products and more treatments for sexually transmitted diseases when they turn a blind eye to child rape. Men involved with minors need to conceal these sexual relationships, so they take their underage victims to clinics that offer minors confidential abortion services and birth control. When Planned Parenthood and other family planning service providers ignore child abuse reporting laws, they help these men to continue their ongoing sexual abuse of children.”

There is a colossal coverup in this country of breaches of justice and even criminal activity concerning abortion or other sanctity of life versus culture of death issues. The former Attorney General of Kansas attempted to prosecute the coverup2. The abortion industry in Kansas launched a smear campaign against him that cos him the election. His cases were dismissed without trial

Planned Parenthood has become the new untouchables, immune from any accountability. They will, however, answer to God for murder and the coverup of child Rapes. I do not claim to be a prophet but I would not be surprised if Kansas has a record tornado season this year resembling a scene right out of the movie Twister if this does happen we can rest assured that it will be God’s judgment on Kansas for the coverup of child rapes. Now is the times for Kansas and the rest of us to repent.



1 – Child Predators dot com is Now Life Dynamics!!!
1 – WND link updated!!!

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