Originally posted on November 21, 2008. While Obama was not as successful as the article predicted, he did move things significantly in the direction predicted by this article.
The 2008 election cycle has provided conclusive proof that God’s Judgment has fallen on America. First I shall show that God makes individuals nations in a drunken stupor just before He judgeas them then I will show that this is fact the case with America.The primary Scripture text that relates to the nations getting drunk is Jer 25:15-29 We read that God gives Jeremiah the cup of the wine of God’s wrath. He is to pass this to the nations to get them drunk. Why? Drunkenness involves getting into a stupor.
In literal drunkenness alcohol depresses the parts of the brain that are involved in sound judgment and rational thought. Alcohol makes it’s victims temporarily stupid. The meaning of the imagery is that God will render evil individuals and nations stupid after they repeatedly reject Him. Once this happens people become brainwashed by the prevailing cultural current is moving at the time. Once a nation is made drunk it’s people cannot be reasoned with by logic or facts.
Is America Drunk.
America the body politic has for the past 16 years engaged in mass rejection of truth. Not a particular version of the truth but the very idea of truth itself. With the exception of a small minority, the entire nation stand guilty of endorsing crooked schemes and spin.
For 8 years under President Bill Clinton we saw feminists betray their ideals when those ideals indicated that Clinton was dangerous to women. When it became apparent that Clinton had committed felony perjury (in Monicagate) millions said that it didn’t matter whether Clinton was a criminal. There was also the bloodguilt of abortion murders and constant scheming against both constitutional liberties, the cause of righteousness.
Whereas 8 years of Clinton resulted in the left abandoning the rule of law and righteousness another 8 years of Bush has also resulted in the right abandoning the rule of law. Bush has rejected what God’s Word tells the nations concerning Israel and has sought to carve up Israel to create a second terrorist Palestinian state. Bush has abandoned any attempt to stop abortion murders other than the so-called partial birth abortion. He claims to be an Evangelical, Bible believing Christian but refuses to pursue the types of justice that the Bible requires rulers to do. Bush also had his Monicagate, it was called Abu Ghraib. At Abu Ghraib American soldiers forced Iraq prisoners to pose lewd poses and to commit sodomy. When this story broke many of the same people who rightly condemned gay marriage turned a blind eye to forced sodomy because it would cause too much damage to Bush politically to do what the Bible says to do.
The bottom line is that in 16 years of two administration on opposite sides of the aisle There has been a systematic rejection of not only God’s Law and righteousness throughout the culture but also the rejection of a general rule of law required to sustain a republic. America as a whole is guilty. With the exception of a remnant all are guilty and just subjects of God’s judgment.
America is Drunk
The proof that America is drunk is that Obama got elected. There are three smoking guns, each of which should have tanked his candidacy, but didn’t.How could any rational person vote for someone who for twenty years had as his spiritual advisor a racist and America hater (Rev Jeremiah Wright) in a church whose mentor mentored thugs like Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. He has associated with terrorists (William Ayers and Rashid Khalidi ) including deep connections with terrorists who are enemies of Israel. He refuses to honor the flag when the national anthem is sung.
Obama is God’s sword of Judgment.
The same stupor that people like dumb sheep to the slaughterhouse of Obama will lead them to blindly support whatever he proposes. Obama will do as he pleases. Here are several thing I believe he will do.
He will bring in speech codes that will result in banning all politically incorrect speech as hate crimes. These codes will, of course, be selectively enforced. Evangelical Christians will be prosecuted for criticizing Islam and homosexuality while militant Gays and Islamic radicals will be free to demonize Christians. This will allow both the Radical Left and Islamists to gain an advantage the culture wars.
As a result of this, Evangelical Christians and conservatives will end up being being disenfranchised and persecuted. The official persecution will be velvet glove with fines, imprisonment and in some cases confiscation of property. Only those who refuse to embrace the militant agendas contradictory to God’s Law will be targeted. Christians in name only and those who compromise to be politically acceptable will be free to worship as they want.
Obama will, in the name of community organizing change the laws to grant communities more control over it’s members. People will be forced to participate in communities and find it more difficult to withdraw from the communities they find themselves in.Obama is a communitarian who believe in group rights rather than individual rights.Obama will take multiculturalism to it’s logical conclusion by allowing various communities the power to coerce it’s members in a way not seen since the days of the Roman Empire.Generally, Obamamania will promote a culture in which individuals will be judged by which class they belong to rather than buy the content of the individual character.
Obama will take measures to liquidate the power of both non-Evangelical and Evangelical conservatives. Obama will pass a revived version of the so-called Fairness Doctrine. This doctrine would require talk radio and television programs to give equal time to opposing viewpoints. This policy will allow the government to cancel out any opposing viewpoint with the opposite viewpoint because while talk radio would have to give equal time the government doesn’t it’s communications or news stories created by it’s communications. This time a revived Fairness Doctrine would likely include attempts to censor the internet because of the increased role that the internet plays in communications. Obama’s Presidency will result in the Anti-Christian Left Winning the culture war, at least in the political arena.
The liquidation of power of Conservatives will disproportionately affect white conservatives.The disenfranchisement and subsequent persecution of a segment comprising 30% of the population will open the door to white supremacist and white nationalist groups to market their philosophies by putting a racial interpretation on these events. Large numbers of conservatives who have up until this point never considered an alliance with racist groups will join. There will be two consequences. one is that there will be a resurgence in militancy and popularity in racist groups which will no longer be fringe but mainstream organizations with millions of members once again.The second consequence is that it will allow the left to marginalize all conservatives by tying them to those who formerly believed as mainstream conservatives now do but will soon ally themselves to extremists. As a significant percentage of well known conservative leaders draw closer to groups like the KKK or the Neo-Nazis then it will be easier to paint all conservatives as being that way.This will allow the Leftist agenda to go unchallenged.
Immigration policy under Obama will equate opposition to policies that abolish our border to racism. The combinations of disenfranchisement of Evangelicals and conservatives with painting them as racists regardless of individual views will destroy any opposition to internationalism or the New World Order. All nationalism will be seen as racist or xenophobic and not just the extreme forms seen in groups like the KKK and the Black Panthers. Those who do not believe in the New World Order will literally called the haters, just like in the Left Behind movies.
Obama will pursue policies that will bring America to her knees before the coming Islamist empire. Whether he is a closet Muslim who is practicing taqiyyah and masquerading as a Christian or whether he is really a Marxist or some other flavor of Radical Leftist will not matter, as both groups pursue the same foreign policies in America’s relations with the Middle East. Obama has already committed to making the Saudi peace plan, proposed in 2002, America’s policy toward Israel. Obama will carve Israel up along pre-1967 borders. Obama will enact historic change in American policy towards Israel that will pave the way for the Ezekiel wars prophesied in the Bible. Obama will hastily pull US troops out of Iraq and other places, creating a vacuum that will allow the ten horned Islamist Empire to emerge. He will surrender the War on Terror in pursuit of peace at any price. He may even wish to be called President Hussein as a good will gesture toward Middle Eastern Muslims.
The same stupor that got Obama elected in spite of the overwhelming evidence against him will allow him to do as he pleases.People are mesmerized with him with messianic fervor. They will both support whatever he does no matter how extreme and persecute those who oppose him. There will be no agreement to disagree. Obama is hope personified to his worshipers, therefore criticism or opposition to him or his agenda is to be the enemy of hope and therefore the enemy of mankind.
The Conclusion
The bottom line is that Obama is God’s sword to judge America, her groups and people. Just as it was rebellion to oppose for the ancient Jews to politically or militarily oppose the Babylonian Captivity it is also rebellion for Americans to politically oppose the Obamian captivity. This post and others to follow are written prophetically, not to generate political opposition. I plan to follow this up with posts detailing exactly how True Christians should respond to these historic changes in a way that pleases God and overcomes the world.