This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

The Withering Away of the Natural

Originally posted December 25, 2006   Wherever the Word of God is sown the Spirit of God rains and blows. To the Word this wind supplies fresh water of life but to the flesh this wind is a consuming fire. There are several other passages it is written that our God is a consuming fire. … Read more

Spotting and Combating Cultural Eisegesis

There has been an uptick in cultural eisegesis in  recent years. This typically occurs when an interpreter will attempt to proffer an interpretations that is far removed from what would be the plain reading of a text. This requires an explanation of how the interpreter arrived at the non grammatical historical interpretation. One method involves … Read more

This post appeared on the Old site, meaning it was originally written between 2005-2009.

Hello world again! I’m back from the dead.

This is the first post of my new site. It is fairy common in a lot of software to come with a default “Hello world” message or post. This platform is not exceptional in that regard. What is exceptional is that this is not the first trip for I owned this domain from 2005 … Read more